Chloe wrote quite a few of her latest achievements on her blog but I thought I would reiterate in grown up talk.
Kristen and I have been very excited about her latest developments. Its very sad to see how fast she is growing but very exciting that she is learning so much.
In the last couple weeks she has started crawling efficiently. She's still a little shaky but if you look away too long she can scoot right along. She can now crawl over to her toys and pull herself up to a stand.
She is doing very good eating and her bath and bedtime are so smooth. She is doing better at her naps and has given us a consistent hour and sometimes more.
Chloe and Aero have been interacting more. Aero is so calm even when Chloe crawls to her and pulls her hair. I think she likes the attention.
Chloe has also started saying "Uh Oh" quite often. She just fell from standing up at her toy and rolls over. Next thing I hear is "Uh Oh". It is so cute!
She started making kissy noises the last few days too. We are trying to teach her to blow kisses but she will mimic me when i make kissy noises at her.
That's all I have time for tonight. You all need to get over to see her as you can because everything is changing so much!