Friday, December 26, 2008

Family Christmas


Hi all! I just wanted to put up some pictures that we took today. This is the first time we have gotten together with both babies. We are spending the Christmas weekend in Texas and had a couple days together with all of Kristen's family. Enjoy the pictures and check picasa web albums for more pictures.
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Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Quick Picture

I haven't updated in a while so I wanted to just post a picture and let you all know I am still here. Enjoy!

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Thursday, November 6, 2008

So Cool

I love being a dad. Chloe and I were talking and playing some tonight and I put her down in her 'exersaucer' to let her play and wear down for our story and bedtime. I have been watching her figure out how to use the toys and buttons. She stares at something and then accidentally hits a button. It makes noise. The next minute or so is calculated and she really tries to figure out how to do it. She has bumped one button and stops and stares at the lights while it plays music.

The other cool thing I notice is that she has figured out what the pacifier is. I hooked it to a tether attached to her shirt. She has reached for it and grabbed the pacifier and almost figured out how to get it into her mouth. Before I had it tethered to her shirt she wouldn't stop chewing on her hand.

I love seeing her grow and learn. She is learning so fast and as much as it makes me sad it makes me very proud to be her father.

Sleeping Arrangements

So we are working on new sleeping arrangements this week. Chloe has moved into her own room. Tuesday was the first night for this move. It worked out ok. We had a rough night leading up to bedtime though. Chloe cried quite a bit but she wasn't in a good mood most of the day so I think that was the cause. I got her to sleep around 11:00 or 11:30 and she slept in her own room the rest of the night. Kristen got home and could turn lights on and shower without worrying about waking her up. It was so nice to not have to tip-toe around.

Last night she did good too. We had a better evening. We had our bath, story and bottle and fell asleep about 10pm. I held her and rocked her for about 20 minutes to try to break a pattern I have been seeing. She had been falling asleep and waking up consistently 20 - 30 minutes later, eating another ounce or so of milk and falling asleep again for the rest of the night. Holding her got her past that so maybe that is what we are going to try again tonight.

Its a big step for us as a family so I thought I would share with you all. As much as it makes me happy that she is in her own room/crib it makes me sad that she is big enough to be moved away. What's next, college?

Monday, November 3, 2008


Chloe got really excited and was laughing with Grandma. I got a quick video and wanted to get that posted for you all to see. I will try and get more info and pictures from our trip up soon.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Long pause

It has been a while since I posted last. Kristen went back to work and I have Chloe at night. Last week was fine but this week I think she has been testing me. We have had an interesting week. With work and school and Chloe there isn't much time left for updating the blog. Hopefully things will slow down so I can take a few minutes during the day to keep you all updated.

This picture was take a few days ago. Isnt she cute!?!
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Monday, September 8, 2008


I just wanted to post some pictures that I we took over the last few weeks.

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Wednesday, August 27, 2008

More Chloe!

Chloe has been changing so much lately. It is very easy to get her to smile and laugh now. I love making her laugh. It makes my heart happy.

Kristen took a picture of her in her crib again. She is getting so much bigger. The first time we did that she was just a tiny little thing. Now she looks somewhat normal in the crib. However, Kristen decided it would be fun to put her in the laundry basket. She said that she didn't have an extra hand to get the laundry and Chloe upstairs. I think she just wanted to take pictures. I would have!

We hung up Chloe's bouncy chair. She doesn't quite know what to think yet. We don't want her in it too much because we don't want her head to flop around...but she is doing great holding it up. Probably 90% of the time she holds it still. The only time she wobbles is when she is tired.

She is starting to push up and support her own weight with her feet too. She likes to stand up and dance. (I say dance because she isn't strong enough to stay steady yet).

Chloe is also blowing bubbles all the time now! It's getting hard to keep her outfits drool-free.

That's about it for now. Sorry about not having a lot of posts lately. I wish I could do more. With school and work it seems like I barely have any time to see my girls.
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Monday, August 18, 2008

Good Weekend

Kristen and I had a good weekend with Chloe. Friday night we had a date for Kristen's birthday. Her friend watched Chloe for us. That night I took Chloe and let Kristen sleep. I fed Chloe using stored bottles. We ended up sleeping on the couch. I held her and rocked her until 11:30. I laid her down and she woek up by 11:45. I rocked her and read to her again and she fell asleep. I laid her down at 12:30 and she was up again by 1. So I fed her at the second time about 1:30. She finally fell asleep (we were on the couch downstairs at this time). I got some more olympic watching in and chloe slept well. In fact, she slept from 1:30 to 7 or so. Kristen slept great!

Then Saturday night Chloe fell asleep before midnight again and slept all night! Not sure what time she woke up in the morning but it was late enough that Kristen was VERY happy. Again last night she slept most of the night. Is this a pattern? Can we please have this continue!?!

Saturday we had pictures taken at Portrait Innovations. That is where the picture came from. It was a pretty good wait but we were ready to get out of there. We got a lot of stuff done at the house this weekend too. Yard mowed, trees trimmed, (some) wood chopped, flower beds weeded (a little). Sunday we got the child safety door-knob covers on, safety latches on the chemical cabinets, vacuumed, laundry and a lot more cleaning. Whew, long weekend!
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Friday, August 15, 2008

Daddy's Little Girl

Kristen put my favorite outfit on Chloe yesterday. :) It is very cute! "I'll always be daddy's little girl" I love that. Plus it is really cute with the flowers and matching pants.

We went to Michael's to get another basket for the changing table shelves. I couldn't resist. I was holding the baby, Kristen gave me the basket, Baby fits in brainer. It makes me wonder if we ever need swings and bumbo's and cribs and bassinets. Can't we just use baskets (and dresser drawers)? She doesn't look real happy though, does she? I will probably have to get some more 'baby in basket' pictures. When I get them, you will see them. Keep watching!

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Thursday, August 14, 2008

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Wichita Trip

Kristen, Chloe and I took a trip to Wichita this last weekend to visit our relatives and friends. We were able to introduce Grandpa, Grandma and Aunt Cathi to our new daughter.

Grandpa barely gave up Chloe long enough to snap some pictures of her with Grandma and Cathi. He was so happy to see her and hold her.

Grandpa just got out of the hospital this last week and moved to a rehabilitation center and we saw him there. Grandma is staying with him. Saturday Kristen and I joined them for Bingo. It was a fun and exciting time. The old people were yelling at each other! The girl calling out the numbers was calling them so fast I could barely keep up. I felt bad for the elders.

Gotta get back to work. Just thought I would give a quick update.

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Sunday, July 27, 2008

Shower and Baptism

We had a busy weekend! Saturday Kristen and Michelle traveled to Topeka for a baby shower that my family hosted for her. I guess it was more of a Toddler shower. The clothes and toys were geared more towards slightly older kids. This was because already have so much for a baby but hardly anything for her when she gets older! It was wonderful seeing all the pictures from the party.

I went and met two of my brothers at my dad's farm. Dad has been very busy traveling to Wichita since my Grandpa's health hasn't been so good. My brother David has been taking care of the farm as often as he can. Keeping the grass mowed and make sure everything is where it is supposed to be. It's quite a job. James and I met him out there and got away from shower territory for a while. Then we went and ate with some of James' (and mine) friends in Overbrook. It was a good day. Dad met us back at the house when Kristen and I both got home. He stayed with us Saturday night.

Sunday was the baptism! Oh what an event this was! We got out of the house a little late and when we got to the church a friend had called and said "Are you sure your baptism is at 10:45? You are on the bulletin and it looks like you are supposed to be here at 5 tonight. And there is another family and baby already here." So I got really flustered and tried to figure out what was going on. Did I make a mistake and invite 50 people to the wrong time? I was sure I got an email telling me 10:45. Regardless of that it was clear that we were on the schedule for 5pm. So I talked to some very helpful ladies who went and talked to the staff doing the baptisms. Jeff Clinger was scheduled to do our baptism at 5 and was at the church in the morning. He agreed to go ahead and do our baptism immediately following the other family's baptism. I was so relieved and thankful that the church was willing to work around this. And thankful to the Meek family for not getting upset that they had to share their occasion. It took me a while to calm down after that. I was so scared that all my family was there and wouldn't get to see the baptism. It was my fault for not calling to confirm the time with the church staff.

After the baptism we had people over for sandwiches and visit at our house. It got so busy! I loved seeing everybody here. There were so many people but it was a blast. After I was able to settle down some it got better. People started eating and I calmed down.

Thank you to everybody that came to the baptism and everybody that came over. It was a wonderful day.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Jennifer Collins Charity Walk

I haven't posted much lately. I switched jobs and we did just have a baby! School has been an interesting twist too. However, that isn't an excuse!

We went to Jennifer Collin's fund raising auction and walk yesterday. Kristen's mom came with us. It was a pretty good turnout! Today, Kristen, Michelle and Chloe are going to Topeka for another baby shower (actually a toddler shower) and I am meeting my brothers out at my dad's farm to do some cleanup and hang out.

I gotta run. Hope you enjoy the pictures.