Wednesday, October 27, 2010

A New Smith!

It has been a long time since I have posted. Our lives are crazy but I figured it was time to announce to the people that still keep an eye on the blog that we are having another baby! We are due at the beginning of March 2011. Kristen asked me to post the video we got from our sonogram. We aren't finding out the gender until our bundle of joy shows us him/her self.

I hope to post more updates to keep everybody a bit more informed of the goings on in our lives. We are in the process of getting a minivan. We sold my car a couple months ago and have been looking around to find the right van. We were pretty determined the choice was between a Honda Odyssey and a Toyota Sienna since those were the two best rated vans. We decided on the 2011 Toyota Sienna SE. We both really like it a lot.

Till next time. Please comment or send IM if you have anything you would like to see for next time.

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